Scooters and powerchairs provide solutions for those seeking increased mobility. While they both have many benefits they are quite different. It is important to know which will suite you best.

Main Difference

The most visible difference between the two is that scooters are three or four wheeled units with a tiller and throttle controls. Power chairs are two wheeled units (with caster wheels) and a simple footrest plate and joystick control. 

Operating Differences

Scooters have a grab handle bar with throttle control. The controls are out in front of you and your feet have lots of room on the footboard. Scooter riders enjoy the security and stability of holding on to the grab bar in front of them. Power chairs are controlled by a joystick on either the left or right side armrest and there is a simple footrest plate. 

Maneuverability Differences

Power chairs offer much better maneuverability with a tighter turning radius. This makes them ideal for individuals living in small apartments or working in office spaces. They are also handy because they do not require so much transferring as a scooter. For instance, when you go to lunch you can ride right up to the table without the hassle of transferring into a chair. On the other hand, scooters do not have quite as much maneuverability, but generally have more stability and can handle rougher terrains. They also often have more storage room available than powerchairs. 

Other Differences

Often times it is the preference of the user which determines whether he/she invests in a scooter or power chair. Sometimes the scooters are more comfortable for certain individuals while others prefer the simplicity of a power chair. 

Another factor to note is that many senior residences only allow for power chairs inside the building. Often in these cases the individual will purchase a power chair for indoors and a full-size scooter for outdoor use. 


Hopefully this was helpful! If you have any further questions or want to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


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