[Editors note: The following rules and regulations are applicable to people living in the province of Alberta. Rules and regulations, although similar, may differ in other provinces and countries. If you are riding an electric scooter (two wheels) or ebike, different rules and regulations apply.]

We get asked questions fairly often like, “Do I need a licence to drive one of these things?” or a little less often “Do I need to wear a helmet?” There’s not actually a lot of legislation pertaining to mobility scooters, but, despite the ambiguity, the answers are relatively straightforward. To begin with, we’ll take a look at some definitions and then move on to some of the most commonly asked questions.


The Traffic Safety Act defines a “Mobility aid” as “a device used to facilitate the transport, in a normal seated orientation, of a person with a physical disability” and further, defines a pedestrian as “a person on foot, or a person in or on a mobility aid.” This is elaborated on in section 1 (ww) that defines a vehicle as “a device in, on or by which a person or thing may be transported or drawn on a highway and includes a combination of vehicles but does not include a mobility aid.”

Cutting through the legal mumbo-jumbo, this essentially means that a mobility scooter or powerchair is exempt from the rules and regulations pertaining to motor vehicles. With this in mind, we can go ahead and answer the top five questions about mobility scooter rules and regulations. Keep in mind, these would also apply to powerchairs or electric wheelchairs.

1. Do I need a licence to operate a mobility scooter?

Nope! An operator’s licence is not required to operator a mobility scooter. In fact, a mobility scooter can be a great solution if you find yourself without a licence.

2. Is there a minimum driving age?

Anyone at any age can operate a mobility scooter!

3. Do I need to register my mobility scooter?

Because mobility scooters are not considered to be vehicles, you do not need to register your mobility scooter.

4. Do I need to insure my mobility scooter?

Just like registration, you are not required to insure your mobility scooter. However, if you are interested in insuring your mobility scooter or powerchair, liability and physical damages are normally included in your home insurance policy. Contact your insurance provider (i.e. The Co-operators) for specifics.

5. Do I need to wear a helmet?

Since they are categorized differently from motorcycles, electric bikes and scooters, and bicycles, you are not required to wear a helmet when riding a mobility scooter. However, you may want to consider wearing one if you are going to encounter uneven terrain.

Moving Forward

As a mobility scooter or powerchair driver, you are exempt from rules and regulations that are applicable to vehicles. However, safety is still important, and you should keep in mind that while you are not considered a vehicle, you are considered a pedestrian and should always drive with both safety and courtesy in mind.

Other than that, the most important thing to remember is to have fun! Whether it’s at home, the grocery store, the park, or off the beaten trail, go have an adventure!

This article has been adapted from a fantastic handbook called Rules and Regulations Applying to Small Vehicles published by Alberta Transportation. You can download it here for your own reference.

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