Triaxe Cruze

Transporting your scooter has never been easier.
The Cruze offers a smooth, comfortable ride with front springs to absorb the bumps and a roomy 18” seat with a high back to cushion and support along the way. The large floor deck leaves ample room to stretch your legs.
Model TRIAXE Cruze T3055
Dimensions (LxW) 39”x19.5″
Tires 8” Solid Front Tire
9.5 Solid Rear Tires
Maximum Speed 6mph
Range Up to 18 miles
Turning Radius 30″
Weight (without battery) 58lbs
Weight Capacity 350lbs
Seat Width 18″ standard
Seat Height 23″
Battery 24v 12AH
Motor 24v 180w
Battery Charger 24v 2AH
Available Colours
Blue or Red
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