— that you may not have considered yet.

1)  Foot Room

Let’s talk about comfortability for a bit. If you are going to be riding around in a scooter for the better part of the day or even a couple hours in a row, you want to be comfortable. You will have most likely already considered that you want a comfortable seat — nice fabric, a gentle cushion, and the right width. But another factor to consider is how much leg and foot room the scooter has. Do you feel like your knees are bent too far in? If you feel cramped, there are two options. Either look at a bigger scooter (either a journey or voyage series) or consider getting a three-wheeled scooter.

2 )  Grip Strength

This is an odd one, yet relevant. There are a few scooters that have motor-cycle type throttle controls rather than the typical lever. For example, the Triaxe Sport features this type of throttle. If you have weak muscles in your hands or struggle with wrist problems, a scooter with this type of control might not be right for you.

3 ) Portability

If you have selected either a folding or compact mobility scooter (or power chair) and are planning to travel with it, are you planning on putting it in your vehicle? If so, does it fit nicely? And who will be lifting it in the vehicle? Make sure that they are able to lift the weight properly and transfer it to the vehicle. This is something that you want to practice before you purchase the mobility unit. Be sure to ask a member of the Moose Mobility Team to help you with this! If you are not able to lift the unit in, considered purchasing a ramp or lift. We carry aluminum ramps and the Travel Buggy Electric Lift in stock. Or, if you are looking for a lift installed in your vehicle directly, talk to one of our technicians to customize something for you!

4) The Outdoors

Are you planning on taking our scooter outdoors? If so, there are some things you should be aware of. Where will you be taking the scooter? If you are looking for something that can go off-road whether it be on a trial or just in your back yard, you will want to look at the bigger mid-size to full-size scooters. Be aware of tire size, ground clearance, and suspension. If you are only using your scooter to travel down the block to visit your neighbour, a compact scooter could be an option. However, you want to be smart in when you use your scooter. For example, if it has just rained and there are big puddles on the sidewalk, you might not want to go for a visit that day. If water splashes the undercarriage of the scooter it can damage the electronics. Also consider buying a canopy with your scooter if you plan on using it frequently outdoors. This will help protect your unit from sun and water damage as well as giving yourself wind protection (depending on the canopy you select). If you want a high quality canopy, check out the ScooterPac Canopy.

5) Turning Radius

How much maneuverability do you want? Are you going to be using the scooter in tight spaces? If so, then pay attention to the turning radius on the scooter. Generally, the smaller the scooter the tighter the turning radius. Also three-wheeled units have a tighter turning radius.

6) About Tipping

Are you concerned about your three-wheeled scooter tipping? If you have too much weight on the scooter (exceeding the weight capacity) or if you take a corner too fast you may risk this happening. Solution? Just don’t do those things. You could also consider purchasing the Pride Jazzy Zero Turn; it features a turning radius of just 38.25” yet has the stability of four wheels.

7) Warranty

Do you want warranty? If so, make sure you buy new! Another perk is that when you buy a new scooter (or power chair) from us, we will cover the cost of labour for any warranty jobs. However, if you purchase the unit from somewhere else, we will cover the warranty on manufacture parts but not the labour.

Further questions? Contact us. 

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